Extra flexible suction tubing: SOFTUB – Tubing in clean medical packaging in an easy-dipensing storage box – Non-sterile

Extra flexible suction tubing SOFTUB Tubing in clean medical packaging is an easy-dispensing storage box - Non-sterile

Extra flexible suction tubing SOFTUB Tubing in clean medical packaging is an easy dispensing storage box Non sterile

MD class: I,CE0459. Read the instructions in the technical file

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing One funnel each end - Sterile

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing One funnel each end Sterile

MD class: Is, CE2979. Read the instructions in the techncal file

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing One right tip on each end

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing One right tip on each end

MD class: Is, CE2979. Read the instructions in the techncal file

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing

Section of sterile SOFTUB tubing

MD class: Is, CE2979. Read the instructions in the techncal file